Idol Talk
And so Hady Mirza, The next Singapore Idol. Right from the beginning, I was rooting for either Hady, Rahimah or Paul and i am glad that Hady won in the end. There is no doubt that he deserves the crown. He was the most consistent and versatile contestant topped with a special thing called ‘The Voice’. With all due respect to Jon because I think he has a good deep tone but somehow he just lacks a notch in terms of vocal range in comparison with Hady. Out of the three performance they both performed, my personal favourite were ‘You gave me wings’ sang by Hady. It was simply sensational, very heartfelt and touching.
But why do I feel that this season grand finals are not as grand as the first season. Somehow, something seems to be lacking and missing. I was really expecting more and somehow it wasn’t as exciting as season one. I remembered how Taufik kept me at the edge of my seat. I remembered how I faithfully voted every commercial break for him during the grand finals. I remembered how grand and special the first season was. I am not saying that Hady is not as good as Taufik. Both are good and cannot be compared as they have their own strengths and to compare them both is like to compare an onion and a garlic. Somehow, something is just missing in season two and I can’t figure it quite right. Oh well, it’s over and we know who the winner is so yar… =)
‘An idol is someone who does things to you. The smile of this person, away from this person just drives you crazy. He doesn’t have to be the most talented person in the whole wide world. He doesn’t have to be the best looking. He is just the person that brings out a certain emotion in you’
And my idol, Taufik Batisah. =)

Anyway, a sidetrack from all this whole idol talk. I just want to say something to my friends who were surprised to meet me on Saturday without braces and a new phone which ain’t exactly new. The braces, I had them off 2 months ago. In fact the last meeting I had with Ahmad and Syaf at coffee bean during one of the Sat (ages ago), I already had them off. It’s just that you guys didn’t notice them and I didn’t see the need to tell (because I am still using retainers). My phone, I actually bought them even before I join my current company, which means I already had it for 6 months. It's just that i didn’t show it to you guys and yar i was missing for way too long. No excuses. =).
Anyway, “Sapa kata me dah sombong? Sapa kata maybe me dah lawa (because I took my braces off) and I don’t want to layan korang anymore?” Didn’t you see the outbreak of pimples on my face, now that is an evident that work has really been exhausting and stressing me out. So yar, guys, I know you were all just joking but hey, I am just saying that nothing has change except that I am working and it’s making me uglier and not any prettier. I am not taking anything too hard(dont worry about that), just taking it like a pinch of salt. Heh. It was really nice meeting you guys and I miss each and every single one of you. I always believe that it doesn’t hurt or kill to apologise so yar, sorry if I ever hurt or disappoint any of you. Harap dimaafkan, kalau tak nak pun kena maafkan, puasa mana boleh marah marah, hari raya nanti pun kena maafkan. So buat apa nak tunggu lama lama, buang masa aje, so maafkan yana eh. =p Sheesh, I just realize how bad I sound in malay. Hah.
And oh before I end, just for the record. I really have no idea where people are getting this idea. From my colleagues to my friends, they all think I might have a boyfriend. For record sake, I certainly do not have one and not planning to have one any sooner( for as long as I can avoid it). Like what I say to my colleagues, if I do have one (any moment now), it would be like the joke of the century. I am just not ready to give up my freedom and space and share it with anyone. My colleague thinks my reactions and actions to such questions are cute. She thinks it's fun to tease me. haha. She's really mad but i love her nevertheless. haha. =) Till then ppl.. Tkc aite. Huggies..
But why do I feel that this season grand finals are not as grand as the first season. Somehow, something seems to be lacking and missing. I was really expecting more and somehow it wasn’t as exciting as season one. I remembered how Taufik kept me at the edge of my seat. I remembered how I faithfully voted every commercial break for him during the grand finals. I remembered how grand and special the first season was. I am not saying that Hady is not as good as Taufik. Both are good and cannot be compared as they have their own strengths and to compare them both is like to compare an onion and a garlic. Somehow, something is just missing in season two and I can’t figure it quite right. Oh well, it’s over and we know who the winner is so yar… =)
‘An idol is someone who does things to you. The smile of this person, away from this person just drives you crazy. He doesn’t have to be the most talented person in the whole wide world. He doesn’t have to be the best looking. He is just the person that brings out a certain emotion in you’
And my idol, Taufik Batisah. =)

Anyway, a sidetrack from all this whole idol talk. I just want to say something to my friends who were surprised to meet me on Saturday without braces and a new phone which ain’t exactly new. The braces, I had them off 2 months ago. In fact the last meeting I had with Ahmad and Syaf at coffee bean during one of the Sat (ages ago), I already had them off. It’s just that you guys didn’t notice them and I didn’t see the need to tell (because I am still using retainers). My phone, I actually bought them even before I join my current company, which means I already had it for 6 months. It's just that i didn’t show it to you guys and yar i was missing for way too long. No excuses. =).
Anyway, “Sapa kata me dah sombong? Sapa kata maybe me dah lawa (because I took my braces off) and I don’t want to layan korang anymore?” Didn’t you see the outbreak of pimples on my face, now that is an evident that work has really been exhausting and stressing me out. So yar, guys, I know you were all just joking but hey, I am just saying that nothing has change except that I am working and it’s making me uglier and not any prettier. I am not taking anything too hard(dont worry about that), just taking it like a pinch of salt. Heh. It was really nice meeting you guys and I miss each and every single one of you. I always believe that it doesn’t hurt or kill to apologise so yar, sorry if I ever hurt or disappoint any of you. Harap dimaafkan, kalau tak nak pun kena maafkan, puasa mana boleh marah marah, hari raya nanti pun kena maafkan. So buat apa nak tunggu lama lama, buang masa aje, so maafkan yana eh. =p Sheesh, I just realize how bad I sound in malay. Hah.
And oh before I end, just for the record. I really have no idea where people are getting this idea. From my colleagues to my friends, they all think I might have a boyfriend. For record sake, I certainly do not have one and not planning to have one any sooner( for as long as I can avoid it). Like what I say to my colleagues, if I do have one (any moment now), it would be like the joke of the century. I am just not ready to give up my freedom and space and share it with anyone. My colleague thinks my reactions and actions to such questions are cute. She thinks it's fun to tease me. haha. She's really mad but i love her nevertheless. haha. =) Till then ppl.. Tkc aite. Huggies..